推荐阅读: 邪王嗜宠:神医狂妃   邪王嗜宠鬼医狂妃   邪王嗜宠:鬼医狂妃   妖孽修真弃少   我寄人间   从今天起当首富   宠妻入骨:神秘老公有点坏   重生之再铸青春   超级修真弃少   修复师   万古第一神   我在坟场画皮十五年   裂天空骑   武神主宰   神医萌宝   重生南非当警察   神道仙尊   妖夫在上  


    THIS letter fell into the hands of my master Ulivieri, and he read it unknown to me. Afterwards he avowed that he had read it, and added: “So then, my Benvenuto, your good looks did not deceive me, as a letter fr your father which has ce into my hands gives me assurance, which proves him to be a man of notable honesty and worth. Consider yourself then to be at he here, and as though in your own father's house.”

    While I stayed at Pisa, I went to see the Campo Santo, and there I found many beautiful fragments of antiquity, that is to say, marble sarcophagi. In other parts of Pisa also I saw many antique objects, which I diligently studied whenever I had days or hours free fr the labour of the workshop. My master, who took pleasure in cing to visit me in the little ro which he had allotted me, observing that I spent all my time in studious occupations, began to love me like a father. I made great progress in the one year that I stayed there, and cpleted several fine and valuable things in gold and silver, which inspired me with a resolute ambition to advance in my art.

    My father, in the meanwhile, kept writing piteous entreaties that I should return to him; and in every letter bade me not to lose the music he had taught me with such trouble. On this, I suddenly gave up all wish to go back to him; so much did I hate that accursed music; and I felt as though of a truth I were in paradise the whole year I stayed at Pisa, where I never played the flute.

    At the end of the year my master Ulivieri had occasion to go to Florence, in order to sell certain gold and silver sweepings which he had; and inasmuch as the bad air of Pisa had given me a touch of fever, I went with the fever hanging still about me, in my master's cpany, back to Florence. There my father received him most affectionately, and lovingly prayed him, unknown by me, not to insist on taking me again to Pisa. I was ill about two months, during which time my father had me most kindly treated and cured, always repeating that it seemed to him a thousand years till I got well again, in order that he might hear me play a little. But when he talked to me of music, with his fingers on my pulse, seeing he had se acquaintance with medicine and Latin learning, he felt it change so much if he approached that topic, that he was often dismayed and left my side in tears. When I perceived how greatly he was disappointed, I bade one of my sisters bring me a flute; for though the fever never left me, that instrument is so easy that it did not hurt me to play upon it; and I used it with such dexterity of hand and tongue that my father cing suddenly upon me, blessed me a thousand times, exclaiming that while I was away fr him I had made great progress, as he thought; and he begged me to go forwards, and not to sacrifice so fine an accplishment.说说520小说阅读_www.shuoshuo520.cc

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